The compound you need

LEONI has its own formulas and inhouse facilities to produce insulation materials that are specifically tailored to the requirements of the customer, which can be used by the automotive and electrical industries. In the past, these products were intended for our own production of cables and conductors, however for the first time customers can now also source our exclusively-selected compounds.

LEOMER® compounds

are used when the insulation materials available on the market are overengineered for the intended purpose or cannot meet the requirements. More than 50 compounds developed inhouse reflect our expertise in this area. Our excellent network within the automotive industry shows us trends, enabling us to continually offer updated and trail-blazing PVC compounds. A team of chemists and engineers are continually improving these formulas. Extensive processing trials and ageing tests ensure that the compounds can be processed without any problems. In addition, our developments are tested by accredited laboratories.

Success stories


Where others hit their limits – we go further with our LEOMER® BN 008 T core compound


Overengineering is out => LEOMER GA is in!

LEONI Kabel GmbH

Sales Compounds, Kathrin Eichbauer

+49 9171 804-0
